
I'm Durgesh .

programmer by day hacker by night.

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I am an Engineer, enthusiatic Web Developer, a passionate Cyber security analyst and a shutterbug.

My Skills.

Network Webapp Security Pentesting

Network and Webapp Pentesting

I have always been interest in securing computers. I have practiced various Recon, Enum, Gaining Access, PrivEsc techniques on Linux, Windows and even some on OSX. My favorite topics are OSINT, ADsecurity and Cloud Security.

Darkweb Open Source Intelligence

TOR, Darkweb and OSINT

I have solved various OSINT challenges in CTFs and tried gathering public information on one person. That led me to think of my privacy. So I learned TOR, Darkweb, XMPP email service, cryptography methods to improve my presence on internet.

Web Development

Web Development

I started coding when I was 16 because I wanted to make my own websites. Overtime I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience making portfolio website and startup company website.

Hacking Tools

Hacking Tools

I have experience with vast variety of tools that include Metasploit Framework, Bloodhound, Wireshark, Python, Nmap, Kali Linux, Hashcat, Burpsuite, Recon-ng, etc.

Get In Touch

If you are a cybersecurity nerd like me.

Lets talk about how awesome hacking is!
What CTFs you plan to participate in future!
And then we can diss Certification and their crazy prices!

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